Category Archives: Gallery

Online Safety

At Pre-School we encourage all parents and carers to monitor what their children are watching on social media to ensure that it is age-appropriate and suitable for them to watch.

Some programmes can be misleading as they often look like cartoons or educational programmes.

Remembrance day week

This week we have been speaking to the children about Remembrance Day and the significance of Poppy’s.

Today the children have enjoyed transforming our red bus into an army vehicle and making a trench with a member of staff.

During the week there will be remembrance related activities and on Thursday some of our children will visit the memorial gardens to pay their respects.

Getting School Ready

In the coming weeks lots of our Pre-School children will be visiting their new schools ready for September.
To support these transitions we have introduced a school role play area and lots of the children have enjoyed exploring this area today and wearing the different uniforms


We’ve been super busy over the weekend giving our Little Explorers home corner a make over. We’re aiming to create a more ‘homely’ feel for our children, starting to use real world items to create an environment that is exiting to explore. A few more items needed, and a new rug to finish the area. We also want to start bringing in more natural and wooden resources and start to bring nature indoors! We’re looking forward to creating exciting provocations for our children, to spark their curiosity and imagination and give them amazing opportunities to have fun, explore and learn