Bollington Pre-School is committed to Safeguarding all children, young people and vulnerable adults that we come into contact with. Safeguarding the welfare of the child is the paramount consideration in every situation. All staff and volunteers are expected to share this commitment.
Having safeguards in place within our setting not only protects and promotes the welfare of children but also it enhances the confidence of staff, volunteers, parents/carers, management or governors, and the general public.
We are committed to :
Having a designated Safeguarding Lead and a Deputy Safeguarding Lead whom staff and parents can seek advice from.
Providing staff with regular training and updates.
Providing a curriculum that enhances children’s confidence and encourages them to talk about their feelings.
Have systems, procedures and risk assessments in place to ensure high levels of health and safety are maintained.
We work to our Local Authority Safeguarding Policy and Procedures which you can access here:
BPS and Cheshire East safeguarding-policy-framework-for-children-in-childcare-settings
BPS and Cheshire East Safeguarding-Policy-
Further information of where you can access information, help and assistance can be found here